
Missing my Twin

We have been chatting this weekend, feels like our past but I sense you have moved on. Its tough on me as I’m missing you terribly. You don’t know do how much Im hating myself for this whole situation.

I have been struggling to save the business and having you at my side means so much. You give me the confidence and belief that we can pull through. But on that focus, and trying to be everything to everyone, I leave u behind and take you for granted. I don’t think you’ll come to this site, but I pen my feelings here, don’t want to overburden you in our daily conversation. Words means nothing, I just have to keep my promises.

Missing you so so much. I cling to the few things that remind me of you, your shampoo most of all. comforts me as I sleep. Im gonna loose all my weight, so Im not longer the fat person that you don’t like (I know, ur just to nice not to say it). Going to speak to my mom tmr, tell her my plans. Then I’m going to settle my last outstanding task. Last Thursday, that evening when we spoke, I didn’t want to share that I had found a lawyer to handle my case. But I felt the proposed separation agreement was just a contract, something I could draft up. In addition, it would be easy as Im leaving everything to her. We felt it was the best way if not I would have to pay monthly alimony for the kids. I never knew about these aspects.

Hope my talk with my mom goes well tmr.

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