
Thank You for all Your Love and Support

That Simple Support that meant so much this year

As i wind down 2020, i can help by look back at a truly amazing year. Its been challenging for everyone and we both have been in the thick of many experiences. Am so glad that we had each other to talk to and lean upon.

We have grown so much over the past 12 months, built up a huge treasure trove of emotions and moments which will alway be part of me and us. So appreciative of the time we have had together and more so being able to work and create a new life and future together.

We joke that the honeymoon is over but i know it will never end. It is our nature to keep playing and disturbing one another. We grow and understand each other better and fall in love ever more so. And i know we will have many more moments together, loving, naughty, sad, serious and comforting.

Wanna hold you tight and close each day. It will come soon. Till then my love, know that i love you very much.

Kiss and hugs


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