
Goodbye my Love

I cannot express how sad I am, despite giving my all and everything that I have and could give at this juncture, it wasn’t enough. Time is not on my side and there is just so many things on my plate at the moment. The struggles seems insurmountable and I cry to bed every night. You ask me to understand how you feel and I do, I see the struggle that you have to go through with the present situation. Now I ask you to see too, the struggle that I have to go through.

Im sad that we can’t be with each other, to help each other through this difficult time. I only hope that with this time, we both get to heal ourselves and be ok.

Love you always, thanks for changing me and making me a better person over the last 2 years. Thank you for everything that you have done and been to me.

Please be safe and call me anytime should you need any help.

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